I think this is so hard to keep in mind, especially for creatives! I had a boss who always used to say the phrase “A rising tide lifts all boats.” I try to keep that in mind and, in turn, lift up my peers!

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That's such a nice saying, I'm going to carry that with me! thanks for sharing ❤️

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This message is arriving to me at just the right time!! As I've been exploring new spaces online and finding new artists to follow, I read their bios and I see things like "award winning Illustrator" or "children's book author" and I think "shoot! They got to it before me" and then feel so defeated.

Your post is such a great reminder that there is room for all of us! I love the idea of the flat arena instead of the mountain top. It reminds me of a similar mindset I've recently been trying to shift about enjoying nature and just existing in it, instead of trying to conquer it by summiting mountains and achieving better "stats" on hikes. lol idk maybe there's something there!

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Yes, I totally get that, because I have been in a similar boat too, seeing people around getting to where I want to be makes me feel so tiny. But seeing someone else get it is only proof that we all can too ❤️ and completely with you on the 'just existing' I'm consciously trying to be present through all the still moments too.

Thanks for your comment!

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I love and resonate with what you write and make/sketch/draw!

you go girrrrrl :)

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Thank you so much! ❤️

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Lovely. I liked how you said path to success is "one huge arena" - I never thought of it like that ❤️ thanks for broadening my imagination

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ahh thank you so much for your comment ❤️

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Wonderful!!! It was a needed reminder - thank you 🥰

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Yes, we all need a boost from time to time ❤️

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I love this idea and the silly illustrations … I have always been puzzled by highly competitive people, as I don’t think I am in the conventional way ..I strive to improve my art or whatever I enjoy ( gardening, writing, observing) and admire others achievements and tell them. So when I had a beautiful daughter who is ruthlessly competitive at everything, exams, board games, career etc I was puzzled and amused 😆 She had to marry first amongst her peers then first to divorce, climbs the career ladder ruthlessly, then gets fired a few times … she now has slowed down and enjoys her life more as she has stopped competing with the world. Lesson learned as you said . Thanks for your post ! Very funny but profound ❤️

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Thank you so much Janine, haha being competitive and an over achiever is a slow burn.I also think it comes from the over exposure because of social media these days, you see everyone doing mind blowing things and feel like you are behind and try to consume more than you could chew and choke but I'm learning to slow down and enjoy each process. Life is too short but it is also long enough to do everything you want. Thanks again for your comment, it means a lot ❤️

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scarcity mindset is so enshrined into us as children, no wonder it's so hard sometimes to feel as though it's not an actual law of the universe to be in constant competition with others while working towards our goals. thank you for the reminder, in such joyful rendition<3

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So true, it's what we were taught, especially in the south asian community there is always the pressure of being the best and competing against everyone you see. I'm so glad we got to grow up and see what matters the most ❤️ Thanks for your comment

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